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Design: a major key to performance

DESIGN ET INDUSTRIE association aims to promote the use of design, particularly in industry..

With its ability to combine strategic vision, attractiveness, use value, technological and operational excellence as well as societal and environmental values, design is indeed the perfect ally for companies wishing to develop according to an experience-centered business model – one that aims to create value through the constant and widespread satisfaction of all stakeholders in a given ecosystem.

The actions of the association DESIGN ET INDUSTRIE therefore aim to ensure that design is recognized as a major contributor to the development and implementation of experience-centered economic models, with the objective of sustainable growth and under optimal ethical conditions – particularly in contexts of profound change.

The strategic benefits of design

The added value of design is particularly evident in fast-changing markets, where new societal, ethical, environmental or regulatory constraints are forcing existing players to completely rethink their value propositions – and often their entire business model.

This is where it’s necessary to build new experiences with a differentiated vision of usage, taking into account the company’s ability to respond coherently to the constraints and needs of all the stakeholders concerned: this is the exercise of choice for design.

There are few – if any – performance levers today as simple and effective as design, provided :

  • Positioning design in its rightful place: combining strategic vision and operational know-how
  • Not to regard design as a miracle recipe, especially as an idea is worthless without the operational expertise to turn it into reality under the best possible conditions
  • Ensure that the design approach and tools integrate harmoniously with the company’s various businesses and processes: since design is essentially collaborative, it proves to be a highly effective de-siloing tool

Design in France

Unlike many countries, particularly in Northern Europe, the United States and Asia, France, the world’s seventh largest economy, has so far managed to show little interest in the advantages of design – apart from large globalized groups and a few hundred small or large companies where it is a relatively well understood fact.

At a time when major questions are being asked about the future of our country, the fact that design is not taken into account – or is only partially taken into account – seems surprising, to say the least, even though commendable initiatives (events, conferences, integration of design in public tenders, etc.) and increasingly frequent statements are to be welcomed.

We have seen, without falling into caricature, that the French company uses design too often:

  • By assimilating it to one of the fine arts, by considering it as an aesthetic approach, and therefore by using it by minimizing the time and means allocated, under the pretext that nothing is less logical than tastes and colors
  • By privileging the only mercantile aspect, by using it only as a sales gas pedal (which it is), in order to stand out from the competition through a very professional use of shapes, colors, typography, space, etc.
  • By positioning it only on its ethical component, by confining it to the fields of eco-design or sustainable economy
  • By playing only on its societal dimension and, finally, by using it as a communication vector to demonstrate the « human » value of an organization

Join the association

The association DESIGN ET INDUSTRIE is aimed at all the actors of the economic world who are convinced of the strength of the contribution of design in the construction of economic models that are both virtuous and efficient, attentive to human, societal and environmental values.

By joining the association, you support its action, you contribute to its reflection process, and you also benefit from its work, both methodological, tools and trades, on the entire design value chain.